Review: Acheron (Dark-Hunter #15) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Goodreads blurb:

Eleven thousand years ago a god was born. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron endured a lifetime of hatred. His human death unleashed an unspeakable horror that almost destroyed the earth. Brought back against his will, he became the sole defender of mankind.

Only it was never that simple...

For centuries, he has fought for our survival and hidden a past he never wants revealed.

Now his survival, and ours, hinges on the very woman who threatens him. Old enemies reawaken and unite to kill them both.

War has never been more deadly... or more fun.

“It takes a lot of strength and courage to trust a stranger when you've been harmed by the very people who were supposed to protect you. But the one thing I've learned is that it can be done. That all of us are worthy and that we all matter.”

Do you see that quote that you just read? Yeah, well just so you know that is a quote from the author’s note! That's how perfect this book is. Sherrilyn is my favorite author ever. God! With her books she makes you feel so many things, she teaches you so many things. She makes you see the world in a complete different way.

As Sherrilyn says, every story has at least two sides. The side of the person who witnessed or experienced it and the truth. Events are always clouded by perception, conclusions and emotions. If two or more people experience the same exact event, they will come away with two entirely different tales about it. In this book you have to think about that a lot because for most of the first part of the book you are reading from Ryssa’s and Acheron’s POV and that makes you hate people. Makes you want to kill Styxx for the things that he did to Acheron but I had to keep in mind that maybe he was doing does things for a reason, I’m not saying that it was right the things that he did, I’m just saying that we simply don’t know how Styxx’s life really was. It was hard sometimes obviously, because you start to think that there is no excuse in the world for those kind of acts, it comes to the point that you just think that he is a horrible person, that he should go through the same things that Acheron did but then Acheron comes and says that no one should go through those things, that he would never do that to another human being and there he is, teaching you how to be a better person.

“Then he will be called Acheron for the River of Woe. Like the river of the Underworld, his journey shall be dark, long and enduring. He will be able to give life and to take it. He will walk through his life alone and abandoned--ever seeking kindness and ever finding cruelty.”

And that's exactly what happens. Acheron just wanted to be loved, just wanted a hug from his mother and father and all that we got were slaps even as a little boy. He was just seven years old and he thought he was a monster when all he was was kind and respectful. He was born and everyone say that he would do bad things to other people when in reality he never wanted to harm anyone. Everyone was mean to him and he didn't want revenge. He wanted someone to love him and stop looking at him like he was a piece of shit or simply to be left alone.

I been waiting for months to read this book. In the previous books we get to know little things from Acheron’s past but when you start reading his book you see that his life was even worse than you though. Oh my god, the way that people treated him was just so cruel, he didn't deserve any of that. And Artemis, you don’t even know how much I hate her, I never really liked her, but in the beginning of the book I began to think that she really loved him. She did love him, as far Artemis can love anyone, but it was the wrong kind of love, it was a selfish love. She did things to him that no one would do to a person that she loves. She is a selfish son of a bitch! I hate her and I would LOVE for someone to kill her! She betrayed Acheron, he loved her and she didn't even wanted to be seen with him in public. He was hurt and all she could think of was that she would heal him so he could sleep with her, and if he didn't act how she wanted or said something that she didn't like she would give him the pain back! Who says that loves someone and at the same time thinks that no one could know that they are together and that if anyone knew they would mock her. Who cares? If you love someone you stay with her no matter what and you definitely are not ashamed of that person.

“The whore was tired now. He was finally broken. And it wasn't by the hand of his master or a client.
It'd been by the hand of the only person he'd ever loved. Defeated and lost, Acheron lay down on the cold balcony and closed his eyes, praying for death to finally come and end this nightmare that was his life.”

In this book you see so many sides of Acheron. In the other books he was mysterious, strong, sometimes scary, intelligent. Powerful. And in the second part of this book he starts to look so normal, doing things that you would read in other books but not in the Dark Hunters. It’s so great to see him like that. He is so adorable! Can you believe that Acheron blushes? He does! And he is so clumsy around Tory, is so cute.

“I'm really not the asshole you think I am. The journal's from a young woman in an isolated part of Greece and documents her life for about eighteen months. It's pretty much boring reading, but if you want more details, call me. 555-602-1938.”

Can you imagine the big scary but cute Acheron writing a note like this because a woman thinks he is a asshole? I can’t!

Acheron and Tory’s relationship is so cute and fun. It’s fantastic because it looks like they were planned to be together for a long time, it’s like they knew each other but they really didn't. They were strangers and there were so many feelings between each other that a person would only feel for someone that they knew for a long time. Their relationship is beautiful. Thank God for Tory, she is everything that Acheron needed.

This book was so so so so good. The characters are perfect as always and the story was very well written. It was amazing to get to know more about Acheron and finally see him happy. This book is now part of my favorite books.

Can’t wait to read more books of this fantastic series. For me there is nothing better than to read a book by Sherrilyn.

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